Lewis Ka Yin Choi (Hong Kong) FPSA, GMPSA/P, EFIAP/d1, HonEFIAP, GPU CR-5, Hon.FPSHK, FPSHK, FPSEA, FCAPA, FKPS, FHKPA, FPSM, FGPC, FWIEP, FAPU, ARPS, Hon.FHKYMTPA, Hon.FUPHK, Hon.MUPHK, Hon.FAVAA, Hon.FPMP, Hon.F.NOBEL, HonAPAA, Hon.ECAP, Hon.GMGNG, Hon.Vedic, Hon.WPAI, Hon.APF, Hon.VNPC, Hon.KPS, Hon.CPE, Hon.EHKCC, Hon.EHKSS, Hon.EYMCAPS, Hon.EBLPC, S.E.KPS, SEHKCPAC, EEGPC, EP.PSM, L.APS/G, MEAPU/b, GAPU, GEPSS, M.NPS, MS.CPE, M.CPE, SE.SSP, PSA Diamond Exhibitor (PIDC, PIDM, PTD) PSA Membership Vice President President of The Photographic Society of Hong Kong Director of FIAP Photographer's Card Service FIAP Liaison Officer, Hong Kong GPU Representative for Hong Kong Lewis was born in Hong Kong and educated in Hong Kong, Canada, and USA. He has been interested in photography since elementary school. When he studied in United States for his bachelor’s degree, he traveled around with his cameras and Kodachrome films. After his graduation, he came back to Hong Kong, further studied professional photography, and joined Kodak Far East in a technical post. He was the champion of the 60th Kodak International Salon of Photography in Pictorial Slide Section of the Proficient Category in 1996. Before he left Kodak in 2005, he was the Product Manager in Digital & Film Imaging Systems to help Kodak develop business opportunities on the Internet and digital imaging services. He is currently a chartered / registered professional engineer in profession. In photographic networks, he is serving as the Membership Vice President and Board of Director Member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA), the President of the Photographic Society of Hong Kong, the Director of FIAP Photographer's Card Service, FIAP Liaison Officer, Hong Kong, and the GPU Representative for Hong Kong to support and foster the photography in worldwide.